Twisted Remedies

E18 - Physical Therapist Louise Lynch - "You have to move or rot."

Justin Couture/Louise Lynch Season 1 Episode 18

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In this episode of the Twisted Remedies podcast, Justin interviews Louise Lynch, a seasoned physical therapist and entrepreneur. Louise shares her journey into physical therapy, the challenges she faced in her education, and how her passion for helping others led her to create a proactive health business. The conversation delves into the importance of movement, the mindset required for healing, and the common injuries faced by first responders. Louise emphasizes the need for education in injury prevention and the significance of mental health in high-stress professions. In this conversation, Louise shares her insights on the journey of a police officer, the importance of therapy, and the mind-body connection in healing. She discusses the impact of emotional trauma on physical health and emphasizes the need for being present in the moment. Louise also explores various therapeutic modalities and offers practical tips for maintaining physical health. Finally, she introduces her new venture, L2 Hope, aimed at providing hope and solutions for those in need of healing.

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